This was our last week of January, which means our last week to review I am a Child of God. Really, they don't need the review, they all know the song great! So I thought I'd try and have some fun with them!
What I did was got 4 word strips for each verse. On each strip I wrote one of the phrases in the verse. eg. #1. I am a Child of God #2. And He has sent me here #3. Has given me an earthly home ect. Then I had kids, one at a time come and choose a strip, and decide where it went in the song - which verse, and in what spot of that verse. The one trick was that they couldn't get any help. And if it got put in the wrong spot, it had to stay there.
Once all the word strips were placed, we sang the song like that- mistakes and all! The seniors thought this was pretty funny to do. With the seniors, I also put 4 extra word strips in, to really try and trick them. It was really simple, and fun for the kids. Once we sang it, we made any corrections, and then sang it the "right" way again.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Nerf Gun Singing
This year, I made a list of all the songs that the kids know, and what I want them to know. There are probably 50-60 songs on the list. So today, I picked 4 of those songs, ones that they dont know 100%, and that is what we practiced.
We started by singing through I am a Child of God a couple times. Just to review it. Then we moved on to our activity.
I brought in a magnet board, with a target drawn on it. The outer 2 rings were divided into 4 sections each. In the outer ring, I had written the numbers 1-4, and the 2nd ring was numbered 5-8. Does that make sense?? The middle I left without a number. If you have a white board in your primary room, you could just draw the target on that.

I also brought a small nerf gun, with 3 bullets - the kind of bullets that stick to my board. As soon as I pulled out the gun, everyone got excited - especially the boys!

I picked a kid, and had him stand back from the target - age approperate - and had them shoot. If they hit one of the numbers, we sang that song. Like I said, I had picked 4 songs, and those are the ones that we sang. If they hit the bulls eye, they got to pick their favorite song.
This is always a fun activity. But not super reverant...
We started by singing through I am a Child of God a couple times. Just to review it. Then we moved on to our activity.
I brought in a magnet board, with a target drawn on it. The outer 2 rings were divided into 4 sections each. In the outer ring, I had written the numbers 1-4, and the 2nd ring was numbered 5-8. Does that make sense?? The middle I left without a number. If you have a white board in your primary room, you could just draw the target on that.

I also brought a small nerf gun, with 3 bullets - the kind of bullets that stick to my board. As soon as I pulled out the gun, everyone got excited - especially the boys!

I picked a kid, and had him stand back from the target - age approperate - and had them shoot. If they hit one of the numbers, we sang that song. Like I said, I had picked 4 songs, and those are the ones that we sang. If they hit the bulls eye, they got to pick their favorite song.
This is always a fun activity. But not super reverant...
Monday, January 7, 2013
I Am a Child of God
I'm so happy that the new year is here, and singing time can get back to normal!
Because it was the first Sunday, I wanted to review I am a Child of God, but I also wanted to make sure that I did something fun for the new Sunbeams - esp. because my son was one of them!!
So this is what I came up with.
First I wanted to show the Mormon Message video "I Am a Child of God". Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work, so I skipped that! So we sang the first 2 verses, just to make sure that the kids knew them. Of course they did! Then, we sang them again, and every time we sang the words "me", "I", or "my" the kids had to stand up and sit down. It was really fun. A good way to have fun singing a reverent song over and over! (I did get this idea off another blog, but I don't remember who's - sorry!!)
After, we sang a few activity songs that I knew the Sunbeams would know. They had a lot of fun!
I'm kind of a lazy singing time person, and don't like doing 2 different activities for Jr. and Sr., so we did the same thing in Sr. singing time - but with a twist! For 2 of the activity songs, I mixed things up a bit!
Popcorn Popping - Instead of singing it "pop"corn, we used a different action word. "twist"corn, "hop"corn, "clap"corn. I'm sure you get the idea.
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes - I love this song! Of course we do it, fast, slow, slower, faster. But we also do it backwards - toes, knees, shoulders, head... So this week I found another idea on a blog, with new words... ankles, elbows, feet and seat. hair, hips, lips and cheeks.
The kids all had fun!
Because it was the first Sunday, I wanted to review I am a Child of God, but I also wanted to make sure that I did something fun for the new Sunbeams - esp. because my son was one of them!!
So this is what I came up with.
First I wanted to show the Mormon Message video "I Am a Child of God". Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work, so I skipped that! So we sang the first 2 verses, just to make sure that the kids knew them. Of course they did! Then, we sang them again, and every time we sang the words "me", "I", or "my" the kids had to stand up and sit down. It was really fun. A good way to have fun singing a reverent song over and over! (I did get this idea off another blog, but I don't remember who's - sorry!!)
After, we sang a few activity songs that I knew the Sunbeams would know. They had a lot of fun!
I'm kind of a lazy singing time person, and don't like doing 2 different activities for Jr. and Sr., so we did the same thing in Sr. singing time - but with a twist! For 2 of the activity songs, I mixed things up a bit!
Popcorn Popping - Instead of singing it "pop"corn, we used a different action word. "twist"corn, "hop"corn, "clap"corn. I'm sure you get the idea.
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes - I love this song! Of course we do it, fast, slow, slower, faster. But we also do it backwards - toes, knees, shoulders, head... So this week I found another idea on a blog, with new words... ankles, elbows, feet and seat. hair, hips, lips and cheeks.
The kids all had fun!