Monday, January 28, 2013

Word Strip Review

This was our last week of January, which means our last week to review I am a Child of God.  Really, they don't need the review, they all know the song great!  So I thought I'd try and have some fun with them!

What I did was got 4 word strips for each verse.  On each strip I wrote one of the phrases in the verse.  eg. #1. I am a Child of God  #2. And He has sent me here  #3.  Has given me an earthly home  ect.  Then I had kids, one at a time come and choose a strip, and decide where it went in the song - which verse, and in what spot of that verse.  The one trick was that they couldn't get any help.  And if it got put in the wrong spot, it had to stay there. 

Once all the word strips were placed, we sang the song like that- mistakes and all! The seniors thought this was pretty funny to do.  With the seniors, I also put 4 extra word strips in, to really try and trick them.  It was really simple, and fun for the kids.  Once we sang it, we made any corrections, and then sang it the "right" way again. 

1 comment:

  1. I like that idea. But what did you do with the dare envelope?
